Tuesday, April 20, 2010

13 Songs Vol.2

This is a mix of mostly up-beat pop songs, with a little Alt-Country interlude in between just to keep things random, er, interesting. In the interest of full disclosure, yes, three of these songs are from the Twilight: New Moon soundtrack (Team Jacob! [no homo]). I originally downloaded it just for the new Thom Yorke song, but then found some nice Bon Iver and Lykke Li tracks, so I threw them in. Anyway, who says a shitty movie can't have a decent soundtrack? Speaking of movies, a gold star goes out to whoever can name the 1980s documentary sampled in the Radio Dept. song, "Never Follow Suit". One hint: MF Doom also sampled this film. Enjoy!

13 Songs Vol.2


  1. *Gasp* Team Edward all the way you bastard!! Sparkly vampires are way better than werewolves in cut off jean shorts...although I am a fan of never nudes. Hmmm...

  2. any guess on the sample? hello? Bueller?

  3. Btw, the movie is Style Wars. If you have never seen this doc on the early days of hip hop culture in NYC, you are most definitely not down.

  4. Style Wars! One of the best (and quite possibly the first) documentary about graff art. Directed by Henry Chalfant who also "wrote" Spraycan Art and Subway Art.

    Nice reference there.
