Sunday, April 24, 2011


I know I just posted a shitload of videos the other day and Tres Quais just posted two mixes.  The last thing we would want to do is overload you with content.  That's kind of the antithesis of what we do here at stereofat, we like to leave you wanting more.  Leave you thinking that we have abandoned the blog.  Then we lie in wait and pounce with multiple updates and musical goodness and you are all dazed and confused, thinking, "Whosa whatsie huh?" and then we steal your wallet.  That's just how we do things here.  Despite risking overloading you with the sudden deluge of posts this video had to be shared. "Man About Town" features the music of Ricky Nelson, if you don't know who that is ask my Mom and she may show you her scrapbook from when she was a teenager. In addition to the great score, it features some awesome Rodney Mullen type tricks performed by Killian Martin.  If you don't know who Rodney Mullen is I feel sorry for your mother.  Check it out below

This video doesn't necessitate a hurried posting, I wasn't even that impressed with it but think of it as a freebie attached to the previous video. It features Hok from Quest Crew making weird faces and doing intricate hand dance thingies.

Speaking of Freebies here is some free nerd music from Adam Warrock. He is Asian American, likes comic books, and raps. Interesting, I am Asian American, like comic books, and play the maracas, maybe we should collabo, as we say in the industry.  He has recently been touring comic book shops and performing his nerd music live to emancipated basement dwellers up and down the coast.  Check out his site "here" and download his free mixtape about X-Factor.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mixes Old and New

After a long hiatus, I'm back with two mixes. Actually, the first one was made way back in December, but I never got around to posting it. The second, which I threw together during spring break (hence the title), is full of much more recent stuff, including new Fleet Foxes, The National, Lykke Li, and TV on the Radio. Enjoy.

Mix 1: From the Vault

Mix 2: Spring Break

Friday, April 22, 2011

Eye Candy

I don't know about you guys but I spent a shitload of time in Malls during the 80's. In my little suburban town it was the epicenter of all things teen. If we had nothing to do, which was pretty much every weekend, we would go and walk around the mall. We would oogle the girls, get an orange julius and stop in the arcade for a round of Samurai Showdown or The Simpson's Arcade game. Later I got a job at the mall so I spent even more time there. This reminds me of was my childhood.

This has nothing to with music, but come on look at how joyous that little guy is, how could I not post it?

This has been everywhere and for good reason. Featuring perhaps the most famous of the Ma clan, Yo Yo Ma, doing his thing on the Cello. He dropped the H in the 80's not because he was ashamed of us Mah's, but as a protest to his friends and fellow musicians rampant use of heroin. I totally didn't make that up....or did I? Here is what Spike Jonze had to say about the video.

"Jonze says this of the project, “The other day, I was lucky enough to be at an event to bring the arts back into schools and got to see an amazing collaboration between Yo-Yo Ma and a young dancer in LA, Lil Buck. Someone who knows Yo-Yo Ma had seen Lil Buck on YouTube and put them together. The dancing is Lil Buck’s own creation and unlike anything I’ve seen. Hope you enjoy.”
"The Playlist"

Behind the Jump more videos.  Murs and Aesop, Azure', Transformers performing Thriller, new Fleet Foxes, Kero One and David Choi covering Cee-lo, Tennis, Bill Cosby dancing to Dubstep, Daniel Cloud Campos dancing, and a video from Dirty Beaches...that's a lot of shit.