What did I tell you about licking things you find on the ground Clifford?
I have been spending some time in the studio, formulating a diss track in retaliation. All I have so far are comments about Tiny and how he could do much better. Which isn't really an attack on him so much as a statement of my disappointment in his life choices. The hook is, "Class it up Clifford, eww she gross" repeat four times...it's still a work in progress.
If anyone missed the hip hop mix and would like to "discuss" their disappointment about that, they can send us an email at stereofattenings@gmail.com.
But that's all in the past. This post is about an indie mix. Join me behind the jump.
Do you think they are still watching? Can they see us here? Is that your leg or mine?
Well we'll just get down to business and see what happens. Some highlights from the upbeat section of the mix, that by themselves demand a download.
The RAC mix of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, "Home," is addictive. The original was a solid song in it's own right and the remix, takes the best elements of that and pushes them to the forefront. There is more whistling, more hand claps, more horns, more chorus punctuating shouts of, "Hey." As in, "Hey!!" this song needs to be in your rotation.
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros- Home (RAC mix)
Dale Eanhardt Jr. Jr.- Vocal Chords
This is another goodie. This is by Pinceton.
"Growing up on Princeton Street in Santa Monica, twin brothers Jesse & Matt Kivel and childhood friend Ben Usen started playing together as a group in the late 90’s, but officially formed Princeton during a year long stay in London in 2005. With the addition of drummer David Kitz, the band first gained attention in 2008 with the conceptual four-song Bloomsbury EP. The band now lives in the Eagle Rock district of LA where their debut album “Cocoon of Love” was recorded." Via
This is off the Bloomsbury EP. My favorite part is actually at the 2:30 mark of the song until the end, so if it doesn't immediately speak to you give it a chance. Did anyone else think of the singer from, "There's Something About Mary," when they first listened? Just a little? Fine.
Princeton- The Waves
Jeremy Messersmith- Organ Donor
That and then some located below.
Indie Mix 4
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