Monday, February 22, 2010

A Post-Mix Era?

One of the main reasons I like the idea of posting my mixes on this blog is that I've completely given up making mixes for my friends. Screw them. They all know what they like, and they see my mix as more of an annoyance than a gift. Granted, I'm exactly the same: yeah, thanks for the mix, but I'm still sifting through the 10 GB of pirated music I downloaded last week. Music I know I'm at least curious about, unlike your "Summer Jams" mix of dub step, twee pop, and crunk bangers. It seems that all this unlimited access to music has super-saturated our hard drives – and our attention spans – to the point where the prospect of adding anything we haven’t personally selected amounts to, well, a hassle.

I, however, still believe in the mix. Precisely because there is so much music to choose from, I love reaping the rewards of someone else filtering through it for me. And DJ Greybush is one of those trustworthy audiophiles. Hopefully some of you will feel the same way about me. My tastes are eclectic, but most of what I'll be posting here will be rock and pop stuff, usually with an indie twist and more often than not including some foreign languages. (I'm an unabashed francophile, so if you aren't down with the cheese-eating surrender monkeys, then I am not your DJ).

For my first mix, however, I'm going (mostly) retro with a 60s Pop Mix (mostly French, but not all actually from the 60s). Enjoy!

60's Mix


  1. I know commenting on your own post is like wearing your own band's t-shirt at a show, but I just wanna say I think it's awesome that one of the tags is "Surrender Monkeys."

  2. Haha that was a key word wasn't it?
